Welcome to the KADPPA e-Procurement portal!

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Aminu Salihu

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  The e-Procurement portal aims to ensure that the procurement process for contracts in Ikara Local Government is made as accountable, transparent, quick, efficient and pain-free as possible through the use of the state-of-the-art information technology. Payments for bid documents are made and companies are automatically subscribed
 and kept up-to-date on progress towards award of contracts. The e-procurement portal will serve as the one-stop-shop for all Government procurement processes where the MDA’s publish General Procurement Notices (GPN), Registered contractors search the e-Procurement platform for relevant procurement information and apply online.


Manual tender processes can be long and cumbersome, often taking three months or longer, which is costly for both procuring entity and supplier organisations.It replaces the manual paper-based tender processes with electronically facilitated processes based on best tendering practices to save time and money. Buyers are able to manage the tenders coming in, with all tenders stored in one place.


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P00025KADUNA STATE HEALTH SUPPLIES MANAGEMENT AGENCYRenovation/Upgrade of Zonal Medical Stores in Zaria and Kafanchan Open Competitive Tendering4500006/10/2024 12:00:00 AM
P00024MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS AND INFRASTRUCTURERemodelling and Furnishing of Kaduna State Government Liason Office Building, Asokoro, Abuja Open Competitive Tendering10000006/10/2024 12:00:00 AM
P00023MINISTRY OF HEALTHRenovation, including landscaping of General Hospital, Kawo Open Competitive Tendering4500006/24/2024 12:00:00 AM
P00022MINISTRY OF EDUCATIONProcurement of Science, Technical and Vocational Equipment. Open Competitive Tendering1500006/18/2024 12:00:00 AM
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